Suzanne Deans “shoot the messenger” shoddy journalism advocates for fact checking Indy Whistleblowers on the Web.
The Sanpete Messenger editor is upset. I sent her two emails. A portion of one was included in the newspaper. The full letters are embedded below.
UPDATE March 4th, 2025
I recorded a short podcast explaining this post.
I am going to leave this compilation pinned to the top of both my Substacks so that anyone who is looking for detailed reports on the Hamblin case can quickly peruse my work to see if their is anything of value I have contributed to the cause of educating the public and agitating for justice for the victims of ritual abuse.
These 25 links were emailed to the editor of the Sanpete Messenger so she could more easily “check” my journalism and activism. I cross posted all of the stories I compiled on my second Substack site here. 👇
UPDATE February 27th, 2025
A portion of my second letter to the editor made it into the letters section of the newspaper.
Here are a few screengrabs.
The actual letter I wrote, plus the first letter is below these photos.
Jenny Marie Hatch

Here are my two emails to Suzanne.
I know the Bennions, Leavitts, Hamblins, and Gordon Bowen want the stories written about the LDS Church of Satan to be about us whistleblowers, but your shoot the messenger style of advocacy journalism is already contributing to the Streisand Effect and more people than ever are curious about the Hamblin vs. Utah case.
Here are 25 out of the hundreds of reports I have compiled on my Blog, Substack, and Dropbox. I sent out thousands of tweets about this story before they deplatformed my Twitter accounts.
If I have made any mistakes in my reporting, please point it out.
I do want to be completely truthful and transparent with my work.
Jenny Marie Hatch
No More Secrets
Who knew that spawning the most depraved child molester would leave you feeling abandoned and lonely at the end of your life?
Dr. Mary June Adams Hamblin 1927 - 2024
Tomorrow 🌎 Roselle (Hamblin/Anderson/Stevenson) Hearing at 1:15 pm 🌍 137 N Freedom Blvd, Provo, UT 84601 USA
Brand Thornton Singing Rescue at the Rally in Salt Lake City yesterday
Go El, the journalist at Investigations in Ritual Abuse will be in court in Manti Utah in about an hour.
Brand Thornton AAR (After Action Report) Manti Courthouse 🌎 Hamblin Vs Utah Case #PrayToProtect
TODAY! In Spring City at 11:00 AM! Manti Courthouse at 1:00 PM
Pray to Protect Children Group organized by Charlene Stott will demonstrate for the victims of crimes allegedly perpetrated by David Hamblin and others.
We’re Saving the World 🌎 Is that supposed to be a bad thing or a good thing?
President Trump was asked specifically, “you are secretly saving the world from this Satanic cult of pedophiles and cannibals.”
Brand Thornton blows his Shofar and then shares some thoughts on this ancient weapon of war #PrayToProtect
From the American Fork Utah Hamblin va Utah Hearing on July 9th, 2024
Charlene Stott AAR (After Action Report) for the Hamblin vs. Utah hearing in American Fork Utah yesterday
Charlene filmed and edited an amazing movie about the prayer vigil! And Brand has made the commitment to blow his Shofar at every courthouse!
Brand Thornton and his MIGHTY Shofar 🐏 on The Healthy Families Podcast
Brand shares the story of how he felt called to master this ancient art
The Conservative Activists Dilemma
I shared these thoughts last night during the prayer space, but wanted to emphasize this one point again.
Healthy Families Podcast w/Jenny Hatch
19th Anniversary of The Natural Family BLOG
Charlene Stott is Organizing a Series of Prayer Vigils around the upcoming Hamblin vs. Utah Court Hearings
Charlene was my guest on The Jenny Hatch Show where we shared details about several upcoming prayer events to ask for Divine Intervention in the Hamblin vs. Utah case.
Sign the Petition! Let Justice Prevail! Letter to Judge Roger Griffin, the "State vs David Hamblin case. #PrayToProtect
Hamblin Vs. Utah Case Update
A few thoughts from Rally organizer Jenny Hatch
I am organizing a second protest at the courthouse on THURSDAY MAY 30th 2024 at 7:30 AM to demand the Utah vs. Hamblin case be properly adjudicated
Brings signs to Judge Roger Griffin’s American Fork Utah 4th District Courthouse at 75 E 80 N American Fork, Utah 84003 about 45 minutes before the 8:15 am hearing.
This was the first email I sent to Suzanne.
On Saturday, February 22, 2025, 5:22 PM, Jenny Hatch <> wrote:
You managed to get so many facts wrong with your recent article.
I was the original “internet warrior” to publish the victim statements from the Provo Police.
In your article you make it seem like the Hamblin daughters wrote up the victim statements and handed them off to the cops.
Each girl was interviewed independently by the police and along with those statements, the Provo Police included multiple audio and video files that you failed to disclose.
I embedded ALL of that evidence on my Wordpress, Dropbox, and Substack in 2022, and there it still sits almost three years later.
I also have covered this story in written posts, podcasts, and by crafting video reports of all of the main stream media coverage as well as the online activism by Indy journalists like me.
I organized all of the early protests at the courthouses and interviewed multiple activists who reported directly from these events in After Action Reports (AAR).
I know these are huge complicated cases and while I am overall thankful for your article, it would be refreshing to see you interview someone besides Joe Bennion and his son in law attorney to flush out the facts.
Why not call up Emily Sheets and ask her directly how she feels about the case being dismissed?
You claim there are no checks against our “false claims”.
What sort of a check do you believe would be appropriate? We are simply sharing the facts as good investigative journalists do.
I have spent thousands of hours on this case and each week that clicks by am more convicted that if only five percent of what the girls detailed is true, everyone involved should get the death penalty.
Do better.
Jenny Marie Hatch
UPDATE on Wednesday February 26th, 2025.
I left two comments on the Salt Lake Tribunes article. I had to get a paid subscription in order to participate.
Comment One.
I sent two emails to the Editor of the Sanpete Messenger newspaper. She did not bother to respond.
Here they are for anyone interested in reading my thoughts on this Hamblin case.
I have been covering this case intently since June of 2022.
Jenny Marie Hatch
Comment Two.
Mr. Darcy is planning to sue the reporters, editor, and this newspaper for defamation.
Here is his response to this article.
He is not the only journalist covering this story. Yet he is now being targeted and polarized using Alinsky tactics by Utah Media.
Alinsky #13
“13. “Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it.” Cut off the support network and isolate the target from sympathy. Go after people and not institutions; people hurt faster than institutions.“
I expect more from journalism than this swill being generated here at the Strib and Sanpete Messenger.
Why hasn’t any reporter bothered to contact Emily Sheets and ask her how she feels about her case being dismissed?
This story is NOT about those of us reporting on it.
The victims of these horrifying crimes deserve their day in court.
That is currently being delayed and now denied.
Jenny Marie Hatch