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Healthy Families Podcast 🌎 Jenny Hatch
Larry Sinclair on The Jenny Hatch Show

Larry Sinclair on The Jenny Hatch Show

A health update and a few more details about his story

Substacks new transcription feature needs a bit of work.

Three times during my recent interview with Larry Sinclair (@seeknmeann), key portions of the conversation detailing crimes by Joe and his son Beau Biden were left out of the text.

Read along while you listen to see for yourself!


Twitter Thread of the many interviews and press conferences mentioned during this interview.

Larry Sinclair Health Update and Donation page on Go Fund Me is HERE!


Cashapp: $jotoloco13

Venmo: @jotoloco13


It is the Healthy Families podcast and I am your host, Jenny Hatch.

Welcome to the show today.

I have Larry Sinclair as a special guest here to share an update on his health and ongoing challenges with Guillain-Barre syndrome.

So Larry, welcome to the show.

Well, thank you.

It's been a long time since we've spoken.

I know.

That show we did together was about 10 years ago and then we've chatted here and there on Twitter and through email but it's so good to hear your voice today.

It's actually kind of good to hear yours as well, my dear.


Well, we crossed paths back in the day as fellow activists blogging and writing.

Larry had a news group, the Sinclair news group that was very popular.

Let my guests know how much traffic you used to get back in the day, Larry.

Well, actually LS news group online actually used to get 40 plus million unique visitors on a regular basis.

And I was kind of shocked that it actually shot up to that primarily between, I'm going to say,

Early spring of 2012 through about 2016 before I decided to actually just stop.

Well, you were breaking some amazing stories.

I remember reading them.

Well, the funny thing is and it's funny because I came across a Glenn Beck piece a couple of months back on the Benghazi.

And then, of course, I'm waiting to hear the source of these new reports.

But, of course, you and I both know that a lot of the stuff I broke never got attributed back.

And that's okay.

I've never really been interested in that as much as the story getting out.

And the story got out.

Well I am so glad to have you here because you were supposed to have your surgery this past week and it was delayed and now we have the chance for you to go ahead and explain what's going on with your health, why you decided to set up

Well, you know, when you and I first came to know each other, it was a lot to do with, you know, internet, what I refer to as internet ninja warriors.

In other words, people who

Yeah, people who like to hide behind keyboards and start attacking people and their families and whatnot.

Remember the liberal grouch?

You know what I'm referring to, and maybe we'll touch on that here in a second, but what I found after the initial 2008 of coming out public is that one of the most consistent

Uh, methods in which to try to attack me or, or, you know, create a situation that it really affects me, uh, because clearly attacking me online wasn't working, was to constantly attack my social security.

Um, it started with Biden's Senate office and now of course it progressed and it's continued over the years.

Well, I actually had work accidents in 2001 while working for B&G Delivery Systems in Sacramento, California that created some extensive nerve and disc damage as well as carpal tunnel.

I've actually had carpal tunnel release surgery on each hand three times, believe it or not.


And when I tell people that, some of them look at me and they go, why once is enough?

And I'm like, well, that's what people say, but

Every single time my scarred up so bad on the inside that it actually created the situation worse than it was before they cut me open. But anyway jumping forward.

Being on Social Security and being on Medicaid You know doctors will only do what Medicaid will authorize and over the years I've had great doctors who have

So over the years the damage continued to worsen.

My legs, my arms, everything.

It got to the point to where every time I was sent to another specialist, they would continue to redo the nerve conduction, the EMGs.

And, you know, it was the same old thing, you know, carpal tunnel, you know, nerve blockage.

And so it got to the point to where doctors even stopped recommending anything because even they felt it was a waste of time.

Well, last year in October,

I became ill with a combination of the flu and COVID.

And I was down for a few weeks, but shortly after getting over that, I suddenly lost use of my legs.

I mean, literally I hit the ground and managed to get into my house and into my bed.

And what shocked me was I was not able to use my legs.

And when I say use them, I mean, I could not move them.

I could not stand on them.

And it scared me It scared me At first because I wasn't sure what the hell was going on because my right leg has always been numb anyway for years and control of it has always been somewhat restricted and limited as with my hands.

But I've always been the type of person I've never wanted anyone to sit and bathe me and dress me and whatnot So I've always tried to manage on my own

Um, but like I said, that scared the hell out of me.

And what scared me even worse was the amount of time that I was in my house and could not move on my own.

So I went to the ER and same thing at first, they weren't sure what the hell was going on.

They thought it was just, you know, pinched nerves and whatnot.

And finally I went to a physician with all the medical history, medical records and everything.

And that's when I realized that the issue with my legs was actually Guillain-Barre syndrome, primarily because of the extensive nerve and disc damage that I've had for years.

And of course, he explained to me that it was triggered more by the flu and the COVID incident.

And that's when he explained to me that if it goes untreated, me being me, I really did write that off at first as simply being me just doing more than what I knew I should be doing because my arms and hands have been so bad for years.

Um, but then it got to the point to where I couldn't, I mean literally, and I'm trying to think of the cleanest way to say, literally I could not wipe my butt normally.

That started to scare me so I went back to the doctor and that's when I realized that it was caused by the Gillian Bear and the fact that the only way I was going to really deal with it without losing the complete loss of use of both my hands and my arms was to have surgery.

And the surgery primarily, initially, it is on three major nerves in the hand and the arms, the median, the radial, and the ulnar.

It had to do with blood sugar levels and pre-op blood levels and traits.

My traits are always extremely high.

So there are some things that the doctor wants certain levels at a certain Red Line and if they're not below that red line then he doesn't feel comfortable moving forward with the surgery.

This particular surgery on Friday was actually rescheduled because of the severity of the swelling.

The issue with the hands and the arms and the nerves creates inflammation and swelling.

However, the extent of the swelling in my right hand and arm has gotten to a point to where the doctor feels that it's not the right thing to do to cut into.

So I am currently using what is referred to as a full arm brace on the right hand and arm.

I noticed you had braces on your arms when you were on Tucker's show.

Believe it or not, and those braces, believe it or not, were probably the least effective, um, because they were primarily holding my hands and my wrists, um, you know, situated and, and straight.

Uh, the cost of a full on brace was just totally out of reach at that point.

And because I am doing the surgery in Mexico and getting medical in Mexico, all, you know, items such as braces, medications, hospital stays after the surgery, etc.

PT afterwards.

You know, those things aren't covered.

When you tell somebody that this is the cost of this, it literally is the cost of the surgery.

And I had no choice because I was doing Uber for a while as a means of trying to survive.

I think what people need to understand is the help I'm asking for isn't even help with my survival.

I mean, it's literally medical.

If I have surgery on Wednesday and end up not having a house on the 1st of October, so be it, but at least I'll have surgery on my arm, if you understand what I'm saying.

I do understand.

No insurance, right?

You're just in Mexico paying out of pocket.

Well yeah because when they stopped the disability they stopped the Medicaid as well even though they were claiming, and all of this happened, you know, just two, a little more than two years ago.

And what I found was even more interesting.

That's why I'm going to go fund me.

I explained the situation.

This isn't because I didn't have it.

It's because it was taken away and it was taken away without actual justification.

It's been something that they had been trying to do for 15 years.

They finally figured out a way to do it.

And they figured out the way to do it was to send me a notice that they were going to discontinue it.

While checking me out on social media to see if I was out of town, knowing that social security regulations requires that I have a set amount of time, I think it's 10 days, from the date of the letter being written to notify them that I am going to appeal their finding in order for them not to be able to terminate my benefits.

Well of course they sent the letter in July of 2021 when I was actually out of state dealing with my mom's health issues in Louisiana knowing full well that by the time I got back that 10 days would have been would have come and gone three times which is exactly what it did.

I have filed the required appeal process and believe it or not two years and we're in September almost October two years and two months I am still waiting for Social Security to actually schedule an appeal hearing before an administrative law judge.

Well, I got to tell you, when I think about the whole big picture and then compare the life that you have lived for the past 15 years compared to those people who live on Martha's Vineyard, I almost just want to throw up, you know?

I think about what the Obamas have done, what the deep state and the infrastructure around the Biden administration has done to you personally, and I just want to scream it out to anybody listening, you know, this is wrong.

What has happened to Larry is wrong.

Well, you know, it's interesting that you mentioned the Biden because it was the first letter I got before they just determination and for people who don't understand this that's code word for social security as we're investigating you again because we don't think that you're on the up and up and the first time that they did this to me that I really went off was in early 2010 and despite me telling them that their letter was BS was trying to calm the situation at the time actually reached out to that social security office only to be told exactly what I had said to begin with that they were in fact investigating me in fact he was told that they were conducting an investigation because they had been given information that I was on a book tour and was making millions of dollars off of the sales of my book which he almost cracked up laughing and told them that he had been in my house and he could assure them that that was not the case.

But it's the same thing and it's a federal agency doing what someone has directed them to do.

I mean even the July letter in 2021 that discontinued my benefits, I get one in May saying that they finished their review and everything was fine and I would continue to receive my benefits.

So you get the picture here.

I've never liked to ask anybody for help for anything and at the same token I would give anybody the shirt off my back.

And you have.

I have and I got yelled at or called out recently on Twitter because I had posted a comment to someone and mentioned to that person that a post that they had made I thought was ironic because they were complaining about someone doing to them the exact same thing that they had done to me and only wanting to mention the negative stuff and not all the good stuff he had done so I had commented saying you know I find it ironic that here you are complaining about the exact same thing that you do to other people and I you know me I don't like hypocrisy.

So I asked in that comment, I said, did you bother to actually look into and find out that I've done this, this and this?

And then, of course, I listed what was going on in the community and whatnot.

And somebody responded saying, oh, yeah, I really trust someone who likes to put all their good deeds out on social media.

And I responded to them and said, first of all, before now, you've never seen me post this stuff.

And I said, the only reason I posted it now was in response to this guy who did the exact same thing to me that he's complaining to all of you guys is being done to him.

Hypocrisy is just that, it's hypocrisy.

You don't get to do things to one person and then complain that someone else is doing the same thing to you.

I agree.

And you know, the hypocrisy issue was honestly why you started in the first place.

And it's important today because there is a group of people who are agitating for Michelle Obama to run for president in 2024.

And the last people who need to go back to the White House at this juncture are Barack and Michelle Obama.

So do you have thoughts on that?

Several people have asked me what I think.

And I'm not going to lie, I don't think that that's something she's planning.

And I do think that it's actually being thrown out there as a distraction.

But on the same token, I told somebody the other day on Twitter that I do still have a contact

Can Barack convince her to do it?

I don't know.

I know a lot of people are pushing it saying that, you know, she would be the replacement for Biden on the Democratic ticket if Biden announced for some reason that he could no longer, you know, run for health reasons or whatever.

I haven't had the time to look into it, but I'm not sure that that would even be a legal process for the Democrats to do, given the fact that for Biden to announce, for whatever reason, for health reasons or anything else, that he could not continue to serve in his capacity as president, unless I can find something that would contradict it, it's my understanding that Kamala Harris would be the one and not a named candidate by the DNC.

I don't think the DNC at this point is interested in following any rules, particularly their own.

I think if they believe they can get away with it, Michelle Obama is universally beloved, the young people especially think of her almost as a folk hero.

I actually think she'd do really well if she was to run, but you know, you came out openly about Barack Obama's drug use back in the day because you wanted some clarity about the hypocrisy that you saw that he was oh I did it back in high school oh no I didn't really do it at all and you're like this dude smoked crack cocaine when he was a state senator and he wanted that fact published and that that is most of the story.

Well well the thing is this you know people get either excited in support of a candidate or they get excited in total opposition to a candidate and the one thing that I'm finding and one of the reasons I actually stopped publishing and covering politics around 2014-2015 was because it wasn't just the DNC and I make enemies on all

But the hypocrisy is all around, and sadly, everybody tries to justify, and this is my biggest pet peeve, everybody tries to justify their hypocrisy and their refusals to follow regulations or follow procedures or whatever, saying, well, the other side does it.

Well, see, and this is something I have said repeatedly, but nobody seems to get the gist of it.

You can't complain about the other side doing something if you're doing the same thing you're complaining about because it makes no sense.


You know, it actually makes you look weaker in the process, in my opinion.

Well, and there is a uniparty.

We really shouldn't be focused.

It's wrong of me to focus just on the DNC when the RNC is just as culpable.

So you're right.

You know, my thing is this.

I might not wholeheartedly agree with your description of Michelle and her popularity, or at least not her popularity here within the U.S.

Yes, she is a popular person, but I think Michelle Obama carries far more baggage than a Barack Obama did before he was actually known as well.

And I don't think that the baggage that Michelle carries would make her an easy win on the Democratic ticket by any means.

In fact, I think that she could probably be even more polarizing and divisive than Hillary Clinton was in the day.

Well, like I said, there's people agitating for it, pushing for it and I've been following the story quietly wondering if they're actually gonna try and do that But we'll see

So let's go back.

Well, listen, of course, people are going to push and advocate for it, because especially if it creates a big enough distraction.

OK, let's let's be clear on something.

There is no doubt that Obama has had his hand in the Biden White House from day one.

Oh, there's many people claiming he's really the de facto president pulling Biden's puppet strings.

Well, he is because if you look at all of the far-left policies and initiatives that Biden has pushed, they have all been Obama's from the get-go.

But I think what people need to realize as well is that I think it's more for distraction purposes than it would be for reality because the bottom line is to actually complete the fundamental Transformation of the U.S. requires a far more far left individual than I think even Michelle Obama could be.

Yeah, I can see that.

So I'd love for you to just touch for a minute on what Beau Biden did after your National Press Club conference.

Oh, I knew you were going to do that.

Do you not want to go there?

Look, what I have been telling people, and yes, I did some recent interviews, and after the Tucker Carlson interview aired on X, I did a live interview for several hours with Luke from We Are Change because I know Luke and because I wanted to do something that gave me the time to address everything from beginning to end and put it out there for people because I think that's been one of the biggest hang-ups for people trying to get a grip on what they believe or don't believe or what's real and what's not real are the bits and pieces that they get thrown out here and there and yes

Actually, I will go there for one reason because I think I need to correct something that has been somewhat misrepresented.

Beau Biden really did not do anything to me after the press conference.

Beau Biden did something to me after I posted the original YouTube video.

And that was in February of 2008.

Beau Biden took something that he knew was not a criminal charge or a crime at all.

before a grand jury in Wilmington, Delaware and sought a grand jury indictment for theft against me when he knew that no theft had existed.

Not only did he submit totally untrue testimony and facts to the grand jury, he actually, or the deputy attorney general that was presenting, But that was done more as a benefit for Barack Obama as well as for Joe Biden, because Joe Biden was already on his way out the door.

His campaign was not grabbing the support and the attention that he wanted.

I really only have two questions around this.

And Beau Biden at the time was the AG, the Attorney General of Maine, right?

No, of Delaware.

Oh, Delaware, that's what I meant.


So do you believe, do you believe Joe Biden was chosen by Barack because of the help that he and Beau offered around your situation?

Oh, I have no doubt about it.

In fact, that's where I was going with, with what you mentioned as far as the press conference.

And this was something that came out on X recently.

And I tried to explain to people that they need to look at the facts.

People claim that I was arrested after giving the press conference at the National Press Club on an existing warrant out of Delaware.

But that's not true.

Delaware had in fact been contacted prior to the press conference and Delaware had notified the U.S. Attorney for D.C. and D.C. officials, I might add, that they were not interested in an extradition type situation that if they picked me up in D.C., Delaware advised that what they would advise D.C. to do was to inform me that the warrant is there and advise me to get on the Amtrak and head over to Wilmington to address it.

That didn't play into what the U.S. Attorney for D.C. had desired.

So they had actually worked with the National Press Club in advance, I might add, to arrange a choreographed arrest.

The arrest was actually supposed to take place prior to me giving the press conference.

And the only reason it did not go as planned was because the airline sent my luggage to Paris, France

And by doing that, they sent all of the press packets to Paris, France.

So I had to actually print up new press packets in DC, which caused me to show up at the National Press Club earlier than what had been planned.

Well, and you had people like James Manning and others in there waiting for you, and they could have testified about what was what, you know, if they tried to arrest you beforehand.

The fact that you didn't... Well, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, you're misunderstanding what I'm saying.

It's not that they tried to make the arrest beforehand.

It had been planned that they were going to do it that way.

It had been planned that they were going to make the arrest I was arrested with no warrant authorizing them to arrest me and they didn't even ask for a warrant to arrest me for fugitive justice which was what they were accusing me of being until I was already in jail for 24 hours.

Yeah, I've never heard this.

And I'm so glad you said it just like that.

Because I've wondered for so many years about what happened when how soon was it after the situation that Barack Obama announced that Joe Biden was going to be his running mate?

Oh, I don't think it was.

You know what, I honestly don't remember.

I don't think it was that much longer.

Maybe within a month at that.

But I think what people also need to know is despite Beau Biden's AG's office causing me to have to come up with and spend $40,000 going back and forth from Minnesota to Delaware for court hearings that really didn't do anything.

And despite the fact that his office attempted to They continued to push the narrative until me and my attorney, in a discovery request, pointed out that it was clearly known that the AG's office had in their possession documentation from the alleged victim that demonstrated no crime ever occurred and it was after they were notified of that that the decision was that they were going to go ahead and drop this and say that they couldn't prove a crime had been committed beyond a reasonable doubt and of course they couldn't prove it because one was not and interestingly enough it was dismissed the same week or the week before well actually it was dismissed after the DNC convention giving Barack the nomination.

I remember that convention because I saw video of you out in the streets with a bullhorn whipping around yelling at the top of your lungs.

It was beautiful.

Oh no, you saw video of me at the RNC convention for McCain.

Well, I went to the DNC in 08 here in Denver.

I was on a microphone singing patriotic hymns at the top of my lungs, exercising my free speech.

Look, and you pointed out something, and I want people to understand you.

A lot of people immediately accused me of being a racist and saying, oh, you don't want a black man.

I hope that by now people understand that that's the first thing people do to attack you when they don't like something you have to say.

It's never stuck.

It never will stick.

And I've made it clear.

My purpose for speaking out had nothing to do with whether I wanted Barack Obama to be president or the color of his skin or anything else And I think the position was made perfectly clear from day one as it has been for the past 15 years It was about the claiming of being the most transparent Candidate ever to run for the office and then find out that that's not necessarily true

Yeah, and having a crackhead with their finger on the nuclear button.

I have issues with that.

And I would do it whether it was John McCain or Mitt Romney or Donald Trump or Joe Biden or Barack Obama or Hillary Clinton or anyone else.

Well, I would encourage anyone listening to go to Luke Rudkowski at We Are Change on his Rumble and his YouTube and watch the long-form interviews he did about this time in Larry's life because it was really good, really well done, and we don't need to belabor all that.

I just had those couple specific questions about did you think this was a quid pro quo.

I don't think I have ever seen you say that definitively.

Yes, I believe because of the way the Bidens did this, handled this situation with Larry Sinclair, for Barack that that was the main reason that he partnered with the Bidens as vice president.

And then for all those years, you have the Bidens going all over the world selling their influence for so much money.

Well, I never realized until you just said it that I'd never said it point blank, but I thought everybody was clear because, look, interestingly enough, the very first attacks on my Social Security came in June of 2008, and the letters, even though I wasn't at home in Minnesota to receive them, the letters were actually dated two days before the press conference.

And interestingly enough, the letters said that my disability was being stopped because I was a fugitive from justice on a warrant for probation or parole violation.

And it listed a warrant number for Delaware

And it turns out that that actually came from then Senator Joe Biden's Senate office.

So yeah, there's absolutely no doubt in my mind that Biden became vice president because of his intervention on behalf of Barack in 2008.

All right.

Well, we agreed that we were not going to talk about the past.

We wanted to talk about the now.

What do you think, since Tucker's had you on, a lot of people are claiming that Twitter is messing with the count of how many people watch that interview.

What do you think?

Well, I don't know.

I do know that I've had issues where I've commented on certain popular users who tend to bring in a lot of traffic and my comment tends to provide equal access to the platform or the same access that they may provide to people who generate revenue for the platform.

So, I mean, I just point it out because I think it's interesting to say that you are the new 100% pro free speech platform available and then have, you know, multiple users

I went to Tucker's YouTube channel this morning to add the video of your interview to my Substack because Substack will allow YouTube embeds but not Rumble and so I went on there looking for your interview he has every other show that he's done since he started on X and your show is not on YouTube


I'm not aware of that.

I will tell you that I don't believe that the current count on the full interview is accurate only because if you look at the count on the teaser that was published the day before the full interview was aired

It's more than double.

And I mean, I don't know.

And to be honest with you, it doesn't bother me one way or the other, simply because, you know, I've always held the same positions.

I've always been the same person.

I've always told the same story no matter how many times people claim that I've changed towns and dates and whatnot.

They can claim whatever they want to.

The facts are that that's simply not true.

The same thing with Daily Mail.

Daily Mail went after me over the course of maybe a 15 day period with 11 different articles libeling me and making statements saying that I made them that I've never made in my lifetime and you know it is what it is.

That's what people do.

People will come after and try to change people's words especially if it's something that they don't want people to hear and hey, and I'm hearing this from people.

A lot of people don't like GoFundMe because of fees or whatnot.

So I am going to text you my Cash App and my Venmo.

In the event that you have listeners who want to contribute but would prefer to do it via Cash App or Venmo versus GoFundMe, that's fine.

I appreciate whatever people do and for those who choose not to, for whatever reason, believe me, I understand and respect that as well.

I would look forward to putting those on.

I know several people who don't like GoFundMe, so I'll add that to the post.

As I was building this post on Substack this morning, I took the time to go find every single bit of journalism I did around your story starting in 2008 and I kept on it until like 2020, including the 2013 interview we did, and I was amazed at how consistent your story was.

So my own journalism around this is a testament to you never changing your story, never waffling from the facts, even under the most intense lawfare and bullying I personally have ever witnessed anyone experience from deep state actors and the, you know.

Well, look, I'm a firm believer

I call them, I call them prostitutes.

Interestingly enough, it was an article that was actually published, I believe, the day of the press conference.

But nonetheless, I spent and took the extra time and patience and responded to those individuals and said, look, you're entitled to your opinion.

What you're publishing here is flat out libel.

I may have allowed Statute of Limitations to expire when it was initially published, but I need you to understand that by you republishing it, you are now engaging in libel because you're publishing something claiming it is proven fact when it's not.

And while I might not be able to hold the original source responsible for the libel, understand something.

I will come after you for it, and I've given all of them the opportunity to retract, remove it, apologize, admit, you know, that they simply chose something that was available online without bothering to verify it.

But, you know, you have those people who are headstrong and lazy, think that they're untouchable, and that's fine.

Have they responded to you, like the Daily Mail?

I noticed you started a GoFundMe to go after them.

Have they responded at all?

No, the Daily Mail has actually not responded to anything.

Not responded to demands for removal, retraction, apologies, nothing.

And the Daily Mail was actually their parent company.

Chief Executive Chairman was actually sent a letter listing 53 examples of libel by the Daily Mail and its six journalists.

I mean, trust me when I tell you, I went to every one of them and listed every single example of libel.

And not only did I list the example of libel, I actually gave them Documentation showing why it was liable.

They chose to ignore it, which most media outlets their size would, because they assume that individuals don't have the funds that it takes to go after them for liable, which most don't.

What they didn't take into consideration is, I don't need to hire an attorney to do it.

I can type up the complaint and file it my damn self.

That's awesome.

You'll have to keep me apprised of how it goes.

This will be beautiful to watch.

Well, I'm hoping it'll be beautiful to resolve.

Look, I hate to hit and run, but

Well, I so appreciate your time.

One more time, let everybody know when your surgery is going to be, how they can help you with the GoFundMe or Patreon.

There's thousands of dollars you still need to get generated so you can have appropriate care.

Well, right now, surgery is scheduled to take place on Wednesday, actually, which, believe it or not, is the day after my 67th birthday.

Oh, happy birthday.

Thank you.

For some reason, we have not gotten the excessive swelling under control.

The doctor has stated that he will push it back again, but if he has to do that, then he will insist that I actually be admitted to the hospital where the surgery is going to be done, which means that is going to create an even more expense that was not planned on.

I'm hoping that we can get it done on Wednesday.

Not that I'm really looking forward to the recovery process, but it beats the hell out of losing the complete use of my hands and arms.

Yes, it does.

Well, you are in my prayers.

I will pray for a miracle that you can have a complete restoration of your functioning of your hands and arms.

No more paralysis.

How long did that paralysis last when you had it in your legs?

A month.

Oh my gosh, that must have been so freaky.

Well again Larry Sinclair, thank you for your time.

God bless you for your courage and stalwart ongoing crusade to tell the truth.

It's just been majestic and awesome for me to watch you as your friend and fellow journalist as this story has unfolded.

God bless you and continue on my friend.

Thank you my dear, thank you.

All right, we'll talk soon.

Okay, bye-bye.

Note from Larry Sinclair:

I will remain hospitalized after surgery due to the surgeries being performed, the sensitivity of the procedure and the nerves involved, and as a diabetic we need to make sure I am safe to return home and begin recovery.

While the hospital stay is an additional cost from the surgery itself, I am still moving forward with the surgery as it is extremely important to do so before damage becomes irreparable.

I will arrange for an update to be uploaded after surgery is completed to give you all a status update.

Your kindness, generosity and well wishes are sincerely appreciated. I hope you will continue to share this campaign with others and ask them to consider helping meet the goal necessary for this process to be successful and performed timely.

I have not been able to work Uber for almost 5 months now and after the surgery (which is actually 3 surgeries on the right hand and arm at the same time) recovery time is estimated at 12 to 18 weeks under ideal conditions with all post surgery treatment, PT etc followed and obtained.

I have been blessed in that I have been able to this point still cover my $250 rent, $175 utilities have food and essentials such as toilet paper and soap etc along with gas to get to and from appointments (living in Mexico makes cost of living and medical a lot less expensive for sure) and I will keep faith that after surgery I will still manage to do so.

The surgery on the Left hand and arm will required funding as well and locking it in at a set price is the right thing to do. As the dollar/peso rate has fluctuated really low lately.

As a result of having reached the 1st goal the goal has been increased to cover surgery on the left hand and arm, assist with costs of post surgery care, PT, Equipment, meds etc.

It is important to make clear I have not once included any cost of living assistance in the amounts needed to secure proper and needed treatment.

Those who wish to support that are free to do so but my concentration is and will remain of not suffering total loss of use of both hands and arms.

Thank you again for your support, kindness and generosity.

Tucker Carlson Interview with Larry Sinclair

Jenny Hatch Coverage of Larry Sinclairs story since 2008.

Here is my list of Blog Posts detailing the murder of Donald Young and the response to Larrys claims about President Obamas Crack Cocaine use.

Blogging Mothers Magazine articles

More links to check out:

Jenny Hatch 2013 interview with Larry Sinclair hosted at Blog Talk Radio.

We are Change: UNCENSORED with Larry Sinclair Obamas Limousine lover

Tucker Carlson Watch Party

Tucker Carlson Interviews Larry Sinclair

Tucker teases out the interview to millions of people!

Healthy World 🌎 Jenny Hatch on Substack 🌏
Healthy Families Podcast 🌎 Jenny Hatch
Jenny Hatch shares thoughts on current events, economics, music, religion, and politics.