Healthy World 🌎 Jenny Hatch on Substack 🌏
Healthy Families Podcast 🌎 Jenny Hatch
Hamblin case about to be dismissed? We will know in about an hour.

Hamblin case about to be dismissed? We will know in about an hour.

Per usual GoEl summarizes the case with his usual clarity and wit.


Strib article

GoEl summarizes the case perfectly…

And so we wait again, gentle readers, for next Thursday to arrive as the establishment in Utah tries to figure out a way to extract themselves and David Lee Hamblin from the quagmire of these allegations without appearing even more blatantly corrupt. We will see if the State Attorney General’s Office will take up the case, or whether they will take the fall for its dismissal. Everyone wants the Hamblin case to go away, but no one wants to be responsible in the ultimate sense for its dismissal.

In the meantime, Emily Sheets, Hamblin’s alleged victim, and his daughters Rachel and Eliza, who are her eyewitnesses, sit and wait as well. We will see you at 8:15 a.m. on Thursday, May 30, 2024 for the latest in the saga of David Lee Hamblin.

Click for the whole post below.

Investigations in Ritual Abuse
Hamblin Case Pushed to Thursday, May 30, 2024 at 8:15 a.m.
At the 12:30 p.m. hearing before Judge Griffin, Chad Perkins of the Utah County Attorneys Office (UCAO), claimed that the position of the UCAO is that the Hamblin case was always a case for the Attor…
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Investigations in Ritual Abuse
Utah Court of Appeals Denies Interlocutory Appeal
In the midst of working on the upcoming Hive articles, IRA noticed the updates within the court event calendar for the American Fork case against David Lee Hamblin. In that case, Hamblin is facing s…
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Investigations in Ritual Abuse
Hamblin Status Hearing in American Fork
Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls of all ages, today in American Fork we have yet another status hearing in the seemingly endless saga of The State of Utah v. David Lee Hamblin, case 221101048. T…
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Be sure to read all of the comments on this one! 👆

Investigations in Ritual Abuse
The Hamblin Case Updated
Today’s status hearing in American Fork went badly for those of us who support holding David Lee Hamblin accountable for his alleged misdeeds. The Utah County Attorneys Office (UCAO) did not send an…
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Healthy World 🌎 Jenny Hatch on Substack 🌏
Healthy Families Podcast 🌎 Jenny Hatch
Jenny Hatch shares thoughts on current events, economics, music, religion, and politics.